Friday, July 26, 2013

Seat backs and Tray tables

  Where were we?   Right!   En-route from PVD to SEA via EWR... (Providence to Seattle via Newark)... Newark???  That leaves a LONNNGGG flight to Seattle...  ... Did you know that NEW is the identifier for one of the airports in N'Awlins?  Profound, I know. I thought it might be for a more famous 'New', like New York, maybe.  Curious about why airports have the identifiers they do? Click here...yeah, here :)
The window seat  :)  Headed West, looking North
Late afternoon on ascent... uh, descent... hmm...
This first leg is so short, I'm certain we never really leveled off...
   ~Prologue~  After a long Saturday morning of running last minute errands (this generally means that I leave the house to grab coffee, stop by a job or box store, which leads to multiple stops and conversations with people I see, leading to 3 hours of time elapsed...meanwhile my lovely wife is home packing and storing up a few choice paragraphs she would like to relay to me upon my return, summarized as follows ... " every time we get ready to go away on vacation you leave in the morning for "a minute" and it ends up being three hours!  I asked you not to do that this time because you always do and we end up rushing!  I hope we don't forget anything because we didn't get a list written 'cuz you were gone this morning, like you do every time and I asked you not to!  ...  It's NOT funny!"  If you knew my wife, you know this is not a nag... In fact she rarely nags. I must be doing something right!   re-read 'Step two... Part Two') we pack with a flurry, I call my Mother-in-law to say thank you for checking on things for us, she tells me not to speed, and we take off (speeding) to T.F.Greene airport.  In my rush to pack and get out the door, I forgot (strike one) to read our pre-printed boarding passes that stated our departure time... 45 minutes later than I thought... sorry Ma, shoulda listened!  We parked, grabbed our gear (thanks Gibbs), caught the shuttle, got dropped off, tipped the driver, checked in, checked our bags, hit the head, went through security, made the short walk to the gate while trying to put on shoes and replace my belt, found the gate, sat down and  ... . . . .  waited . . . for a while. Ugh.   Pre-flight planning can never be overdone...  That'll be another post... Still working on it (obviously)
  ...OK, back to the flight...
We landed in Newark, found the next gate for our plane to Seattle, realized I forgot (strike two) to arrange a transfer from Sea-Tac airport to our hotel downtown ...umm, do not take the train in a city from the terminal to your destination with four bags and 2 carry-ons!  Get a cab, or town car!  I don't care how much money you save by taking the train (subway, bus, whatever it may be) it's not worth it at all! ... So I called our concierge (shoot me an email and I'll clue you in on how to do this) told her our plans, flight number, arrival details and destination, turned off the phone, got on (in ... thank you George Carlin) the plane, declined the 'for purchase' snacks, ate a granola bar, banana, asked for water with no ice twice and watched the moon refuse to set as we chased it to the Pacific.
That's the moon top right. Left of the fuselage.
 Lower right is it's reflection on the wing.  
  Stay tuned... I haven't got to strike three, yet.
Start small, but out of your comfort zone... for some, the front door...  GO!  
Peace be the journey!

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