Saturday, July 27, 2013

Incessant drizzle ... NOT!

  Seattle is a city who's climate borders the classification of 'temperate rain forest'. We were there in a window of time where the precipitation was nil for the duration, the sun was shining and Mt Rainier was visible from the Space Needle!     Not typical.  Our cruise ship was also visible to the NW, at the dock, anxiously awaiting our arrival.
View South from the observation deck of the Space Needle.
Mt. Rainier is still a BIG white cap in July! Way cool!

  We arrived the day before our cruise was due to depart for the Inside Passage of Alaska. I highly recommend doing this! Booking your flight to arrive the day the ship leaves only increases stress ... i.e. 'the flight is delayed, the connection is missed, ad infinitum...'
  As soon as we landed, I turned on my phone. Two minutes later I get a call ... "Hello Mr. Lambert. This is your driver. I'm down in baggage claim to bring you to your hotel whenever you're ready." ... How COOL is THAT! A cab is $50 for the 15+ mile drive from Sea-Tac to Downtown. We got a town car for $63. Get the upgrade! Our concierge did great! (Some concierge services are $2500+ per year... hmm... we didn't pay that! Drop an email!)
  So... it's midnight-ish by the time we get to the front desk... 4am, our time.  Tired? Yessireebobalooee! The night audit shift is a great job to have... Unless you're me... This gentleman, however, loved it! He was super helpful and quick, talkative, but not too much, personable and efficient ; "Welcome to Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert! Enjoy your rest, your room, your stay and your cruise! See you next week! Goodnight."   ~  Good night, sir... good night indeed  ~
  The next morning, around ten (?), we get up, shower, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera (the King and I :) and make our way downstairs for a free (complimentary) buffet (BUFFET) breakfast.  FREE! (smiley face) After our fill of the free (free) breakfast, we caught up with the front desk staff, chatted a little, reserved a seat on the shuttle (free), caught a ride to the Needle, took some pictures, caught a ride back, caught a ride to Westlake near Pike's Place, walked up to the Columbia store, bought hiking pants for her and sneaks for him (10% off), caught a ride back to the hotel, checked out and caught a cab to the cruise!  (You can breathe now)
  Remember the joke about the little pink elephant?  Well, he got a job in Seattle. Ask any former junior high kid about the joke, they'd probably remember... they're all older now, though... (huh?) Anyway...  Oh yeah, I didn't get to strike three, yet! I forget what it was at the moment (strikes four and five, too... I forget) I'll ask my lovely bride and get back to you on that...

Start small, but out of your comfort zone... for some, the front door...  GO!  
Peace be the journey!

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