Saturday, June 29, 2013

NYC ... Beauty in Concrete and Marble, Part 2

  West 56th St.  Home of Joe G's Italian ristorante.  Some reviews hold it's a mediocre place to dine... For us?  A great little basement eatery with comfortable seating, small menu, good food and great service.  It's become a tradition for us to eat there every time we visit the City overnight.  We get off the train at Grand Central Terminal, walk 15 minutes to our modest timeshare at the Manhattan Club(drop an email if you want more info on this), check in, drop our bags in our quaint Metro Suite and mosey west to Joe G's between 7th and 8th avenues.  If they have the artichoke appetizer as a special, GET IT!  Also order the tomato, basil and buffalo mozzarella with balsamic!
View North from the Top of the Rock. Though we've been here,  I borrowed the pic from 
Pam Skillings; former guide.  Thank you Pam!  God bless you
 and your growing family and business!
  The best thing about New York City, especially Manhattan, is that there is SO much to do!  The worst thing about the City is ... there is SO much to DO!  Some visits we walk... and walk... and walk... no real agenda except for the, 'This looks cool, wanna check it out?' action that makes the day kinda difficult...  Especially when it's 7 pm, we're dehydrated, our feet hurt, we are on 23rd and 9th, hungry and neither of us has the energy to make a decision about how to get back to 56th and 7th... nor where to eat!  So we walk some more!  (Fear of the unknown- AKA subways, bus service and taxis- make for a dismal end to an otherwise neat day!  Palermo all over again!)
  Thankfully, we didn't go through all that this time.  We had a plan!  (I finally learned!)  We chose the 911 Memorial Site, Brookfield Place on the waterfront in Battery Park for a free show and dinner at PJ Clarke's.  We purchased a Metrocard at 57th and 7th Subway stop, grabbed the M20 bus (we wanted to stay topside) and made a great day of it!  While down that way, we checked out the Century 21 store (sorry guys, but it's a lot of fun if you make it a date!), Checked on our yacht docked at Battery Park (not really ours...), talked to a couple from Austria on a 3 week tour of Canada and the US, watched a female mallard watch us eat, met two people recently from Ireland working at the same restaurant and didn't know each other, sat on the majestic marble staircase in the Winter Garden and strolled a little.
Our server, from Ireland, named this pretty lady 'Jeremy'.  Notice 'our' yacht top left.
  9 years of marriage! A lot of fun, a ton of Grace (mainly given by my lovely wife), a bunch of practice communicating, Much Help, many obstacles overcome, not ignored (again... thank You, God), more laughs than we can count, a few tears and an unconditional love for each other that NO Earthly being could ever teach!  We got here One Day at a Time ... Check out Matthew 6:25-34 and maybe you'll understand...
  I hope you do!

Start small, but out of your comfort zone... for some, the front door...  GO!  

Peace be the journey!

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