Sunday, September 29, 2013

We're here for the bears

So... My wife and I have been to NM, MT (3 times), ME, VT, NH, AK and live near (30 miles) from where bears have reportedly been spotted... We've not seen a single ONE! We even went to the zoo near the southern mountains of NM and didn't see the bear in it's cage... Argh!  Needless to say, our contention is, 'There ARE no bears!'  Except this one in Skagway...

Wanna a bite? No? You must be stuffed... 
  It's been a while since my last post and, I'm sorry, but I hope you've enjoyed your stay in Seattle, awaiting the continuation of the trip to Alaska and back.  I know WE enjoyed it!  Here now is the rest  of the story... (Thanks Paul Harvey)  We get out of the cab at Pier 94 (not sure that was the number now, but I like the Star Wars reference)
and I recommend you bring some extra patience with you when checking in to board a cruise ship... First we drop off our bags (the same ones the cabby refused to help us with as he was on the phone with his cousin in Egypt, maybe... then he was upset when I asked for the change! He'll get over it... I did).  This is the first line we waited in. Actually, second... the first was for the other cruise ship at the dock :) 
  After dropping our bags, we left the area in search of another line to hang out in for a while.  We found the one that led (e v e n t u a l l y. . . . . ) to the check in desks and subsequent gangway to the Golden Princess.  This is where the experience can make or break the entirety of the rest of our vacation.  Attitude is the hinge pin... We saw many with bad ones, some with great ones, and a few... They shoulda got out of line and gone back home... My wife and I engaged in conversation with a few folks around us and had fun with it... I mean, come on! we have a whole week ahead of us in the middle of nowhere to enjoy! and we're gonna let 3 hours at the beginning ruin the rest of it?! No sir!
  FINALLY! In the stateroom!
 Small? Yes.  Comfy? Sorta.  Good view? YES! ... of the escape pods...  Issue? NONE!  We're not gonna be spending much time here anyhow.  Sometime down the road we may book a stateroom with a balcony, but for now... I don't see the point for us at this stage of our adventures. Although, when on the top decks, we looked over the side at the balconies below and saw folks relaxing with their morning coffee and evening sunset viewing, so I get it.  Sometime down the road...
  We had a great time with the room stewards.  They are very friendly!  I realize it's part of the game to elicit a bigger tip at the close of the voyage, but we got to know them a little, too.  We'll leave the stateroom now for more important, pressing items on the priority list... FREE ICE CREAM!!  yeah, but... how do we get there... It took us three days to figure out how to figure out the map of the ship!  It also takes longer to take the elevator than use the stairs...
  Some of the best fun we had on-board was first seating dining and pictures after dinner.  By the end of the cruise, we felt like our table-mates at dinner were family (well, maybe better described as great friends) and the cool thing is we still keep in touch!  Pictures after dinner were a gas!  One evening, another couple from our dining table joined us... Our main objective was to keep a straight(ish) face for the photographer, or make the other couple bust out laughing.  Talking about, uh... and demonstrating, flatulation can be a profoundly useful tool to get somebody to laugh... or cringe... or hurl... So, again, pictures were a GAS!
This picture is taken around sunset...
There were Humpback whales in the water below us, but getting them to stop moving for a still frame was too difficult.
Canada is off to the right, Southeast Alaska is under the sun up there, and my lovely bride is at my arm.
Who's got it better?
  I know I promised to elaborate on Strike Three in my last post, but I don't remember what it was... guess I'm still at bat.  God is Good!

Start small, but out of your comfort zone... for some, the front door...  GO!  
Peace be the journey!


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