Sunday, June 9, 2013

Step two... Part two

     As this post is mine...I reserve the right to digress on this post from my normal soliloquy...    

The time between our honeymoon and our Montana trip was spent working and learning how to live together as more than roommates (is this how SO many marriages end up?).  The best thing to happen in our marriage occurred that fall of 2004;  hearing about, committing to and attending a weekend-long marriage getaway!  In attendance were 340+ other people, half of whom arrived there with someone from the other half.  I know exactly how it happened... by the end of the weekend, 340+ people were, distinctly, 170+ married couples.  The couples were holding hands, unlike when we walked in Friday night; as acquaintances loosely near each other...
     There is a closely guarded truth (unfortunate) rarely shared by those who know (shameful) that there is a Glue that holds a marriage together.  It's NOT the kids.  It's NOT the job.  It's NOT the similarities we have nor history we share as a couple.  Not even our own wills can make the marriage 'joyful'! (We're gonna stay together, no matter what!  It doesn't matter we haven't spoken in three years!)  We learned and, most importantly, came to understand that Glue at the aforementioned weekend marriage getaway.  Suspecting? Yes?  Check into Family Life's Weekend to Remember.  To some, this may not apply... That's cool.  This is MY story.  May it inspire YOU!   

   Recharged with faith, hope and love, My wife and I made our way through Thanksgiving, December and the security check-in at the airport as we made our way into (thank you George Carlin!) the plane that would take us to Montana for Christmas!  I did NOT forget to pack the stocking I put together for my wife!  Thank God!

Start small, but out of your comfort zone... for some, the front door...  GO!
Peace be the journey!

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