Saturday, July 27, 2013

Incessant drizzle ... NOT!

  Seattle is a city who's climate borders the classification of 'temperate rain forest'. We were there in a window of time where the precipitation was nil for the duration, the sun was shining and Mt Rainier was visible from the Space Needle!     Not typical.  Our cruise ship was also visible to the NW, at the dock, anxiously awaiting our arrival.
View South from the observation deck of the Space Needle.
Mt. Rainier is still a BIG white cap in July! Way cool!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Seat backs and Tray tables

  Where were we?   Right!   En-route from PVD to SEA via EWR... (Providence to Seattle via Newark)... Newark???  That leaves a LONNNGGG flight to Seattle...  ... Did you know that NEW is the identifier for one of the airports in N'Awlins?  Profound, I know. I thought it might be for a more famous 'New', like New York, maybe.  Curious about why airports have the identifiers they do? Click here...yeah, here :)
The window seat  :)  Headed West, looking North
Late afternoon on ascent... uh, descent... hmm...
This first leg is so short, I'm certain we never really leveled off...